68. 昔無著 攝神通 請彌勒 兜率宮
In the past, Venerable Asaṅga
Applies his spiritual powers
To request Maitreya
To descend from Tushita Heaven.
69. 降中印 說五論 無著闡 世親應
He lands in Central India
Speaks the Five Śastras
Which Venerable Asanga expounds
Which Vasubandhu supports.
70. 小入大 論千部 難兄弟 耀千古
From the Small* he converts to the Big*,
He comments on a thousand Śastras to keep.
Like brothers with challenges hard to tame,
Shining for ages, a luminous light is lit.
*Small: Hinayana Buddhism
*Big: Mahāyāna Buddhism
71. 護法師 釋唯識 戒賢嗣 更尊特
Venerable Dharmapāla
Explains Consciousness-Only
Venerable Śīlabhadra the rightful heir,
Even more revered and special