January 30, 2025

10. 所依經論 The Scriptures on Which It Depends/The Fundamental Scriptures of Yogacara

58. 最勝法 說在先 大方廣 佛華嚴
Supreme Dharma that is
Spoken before all others
Is the Great Means Expansive
Buddha Flower Adornment (Sūtra).

59. 解深密 入楞伽 並密嚴 四來華
The Sūtra of the Explication of the Underlying Meaning;
The Sūtra on Entering Lanka (Laṅkâvatāra Sūtra)
The Esoteric Adornment Sūtra

These four Sūtras came into China.

60. 如來現 毗達磨 二未譯 其奈何
The Tathāgata’s Appearing Sūtra
The Abhidharma Sūtra

These two remain untranslated.
How unfortunate!

61. 彼論藏 有十支 歸一本 瑜伽師
In the Treasury of Discourses
There exist ten branches.
All of which trace back to a single root,
The Yogâcārabhūmi-Śastra

62. 首百法 略名數 釋體義 五蘊麤
The first of the Ten is the Śastra on the Hundred Dharmas
Which is the Branch of Terminology
The subsequent Branch elucidates the essential meanings.
Providing a rough discourse on the Five Aggregates.

63. 顯揚論 眾義包 廣大義 攝論高
Śastra of Acclamation of the Sacred Teachings
Encompass all meanings
Encompassing the Great Meanings
In the Mahayana Compendium Śastra.

64. 別名數 有雜集 辨中邊 能離僻
Discerning terminologies
In the Miscellaneous Collections,
The Discernment of the Middle and Extreme
Keeps one away from going astray.

65. 二十論 破邪山 建法幢 三十閑
The Twenty Verses
Topples mountains of wrong teachings
Establishing the banner of Dharma
Is the Thirty Verses.

66. 莊嚴論 嚴體義 散歸觀 瑜伽別
The Śastra of Adornments elevates
The Essence and Meanings to Sublime Height.
Gathering the Scattered and Returning to Contemplation
Is The Discernment of the Yogacara

67. 經共六 論十一 宗所依 顯真實
A total of six Sūtras
And eleven Śastras—
Form the foundation of the School,
Revealing the true and actual teachings.