38. 離名種 現前取 是現量 無計度
Apart from classification and category
Directly grasping at the present conditions
Is called Direct Knowledge,
Free of any fathoming.
39. 藉眾相 觀其義 由比度 量乃遂
Relying on various appearances
Observing its meanings or principles,
One compares and infers,
Thus attaining its Inferred Knowledge.
40. 現比謬 量為非 此三量 能緣依
Direct or Inferred Knowledge if flawed or incomplete,
Can lead to wrong conclusions,
These three kinds of knowledge,
Are Dependent on the Consciousness’s able-to-condition.
41. 復有量 曰聖言 佛親證 更宜遵
There is another form of knowledge
Which is called Sage’s Knowledge
It is verified by the Buddha personally
It should be honored and followed.