34. 識種子 遍法界 待眾緣 現行快
Seeds of the consciousnesses
Pervade the Dharma Realm,
Awaiting the ripening of conditions
To quickly manifest their occurrences.
35. 種生現 名因緣 見取相 所緣緣
Seeds germinating occurrences
Are called Primary Causes and Conditions;
The seer grasping at and perceiving what is seen
Is called the Secondary Objects Condition.
36. 刹那續 念生滅 平等緣 無間隔
Perpetuating in every, split second (kṣaṇa-moment)
Thoughts arise and perish;
This the Condition with Equal Regards
That has no interruption.
37. 此三餘 緣增上 順或違 俱無障
Other than those three conditions
Is an Enhancing-Factor Condition
Be they assisting or reverse-assisting,
They do not hinder.