January 30, 2025

1. 心王 Mind King

1. 人之初 性無記 非善惡 名藏識
Human beings are born
Karmically neutral.
Their nature is neither good nor evil,
And it is called Storehouse Consciousness.

註:無記:梵語 avyākrta,一切法可分為善、不善、無記等三性,無記即非善非不善,如睡覺。

2. 一切種 皆攝藏 萬法本 善惡詳
All seeds of karma
Are collected in the Storehouse;
From these roots, all dharmas grow
Good or evil, all abound so.

3. 種發動 名現行 七轉識 依止生
When the seeds come to life
They manifest their functions;
The seven forthcoming consciousness
They rely on for occurence.

註:現行 occurring

註:七轉識 : seven forthcoming consciousnesses
轉識. 前五識、意識及末那識稱為七轉識。The first seven consciousnesses (Skt. sapta-pravṛtti-vijñāna), which come forth from the seeds contained in the ālayavijñāna 阿賴耶識. 〔成唯識論 T 1585.31.9c29〕 [Charles Muller; source(s): Ui, Nakamura, JEBD]

4. 眼見色 耳聞聲 鼻嗅香 舌味萌
The eyes perceive sights,
The ears hear sounds,
The nose detects scents,
The tongue tastes flavors.

5. 身感觸 意知法 此六識 根塵挾
The body perceives through touch,
The mind comprehends phenomena.
These six consciousnesses arise from
The interaction between sensory faculties and objects.

6. 塵為境 根能助 十八界 種各殊
Sense objects become the environment,
Sense faculties provide assistance;
The eighteen realms of existence
Have distinct characteristics and seeds.

7. 第七識 亦意根 名末那 我執深
The seventh consciousness
Is also an intellect faculty;
It is named manas and
Deeply rooted in ego-attachment.


8.第八識 阿賴耶 能所藏 我愛者
The eighth consciousness,
Known as ālaya,
Is the storehouse that can hold,
The source of ego.

9.此八識 各自在 號心王 能主宰
These eight consciousnesses
Each has its own domain
Called the “king of mind”,
They have the power to govern.
