72. 第六傳 至玄奘 輸震旦 義無上
Transmission passing six generations,
Reaches that of Venerable Xuanzang
Dharma carried into China,
73. 大弟子 有窺基 百部疏 闡無遺
Among his great disciples
Is Master Kuiji
Who composed hundreds of commentaries with care,
Expounding with clarity, none left bare.
74. 繼惠沼 及智周 了義燈 演秘求
Dharma perpetuator, Master Huizhao
As well as Master Zhizhou
They uphold Lantern of Ultimate Truth
And expound the secrets of Dharma.
75. 後如理 義演集 撰義蘊 有道邑
Next comes Master Ruli
Who proclaims The Collection of Dharma.
The author of The Compendium of Meanings
Is Master Daoyi.
76. 皆唐疏 一貫承 相宗備 古未曾
Commentaries from the Tang Dynasty,
Inheriting lineage of the past, teachings profound.
Dharma-Characteristic School is now complete;
Since antiquity never seen such a feat.
77. 唐以後 禪為尚 談直指 輕法相
After the Tang Dynasty’s reign,
Chan practice’s popularity did gain,
Pointing directly, its primary aim,
Terminology becomes something to slight.
78. 台四教 判通別 賢首五 大始列
Tiantai’s Fourfold Teachings
Distinguish the Connected and Distinctive,
Huayan’s Fivefold Teachings
List all, including Beginning and Great.
79. 既非圓 又難習 惑彼言 共捨棄
This tradition is not Perfect Teaching
And also very difficult to practice;
When beings are confused by its doctrines,
They simply abandon it altogether.
80. 研無人 典籍墮 宋元來 成絕學
Fewer and fewer bother to study this doctrine’s way,
Ancient texts lost and disappearing.
Since the Song and Yuan Dynasties,
A lost tradition, it’s almost extinct.
81. 遜清末 法運昌 得遺籍 自扶桑
At the end of the Qing dynasty,
Dharma prospers and flourishes,
Many long-lost pieces of the Canon,
Are brought back from Japan.