42. 識所緣 有三境 不仗質 名獨影
The consciousnesses engage
Three kinds of objects.
Objects that do not rely on raw substance
Are called Image-Only Objects.
43. 緣兔角 本來無 隨意變 影自孤
A rabbit with a horn,
Which doesn’t exist in the first place,
Thoughts are changing at will
It’s just an image in the mind.
44. 緣無為 或有質 彼不生 仍非實
Objects from the mind engaging the Unconditioned,
Which has substantive aspects;
Although they do not come into being,
They are still not real and existing.
45. 帶質境 亦分二 皆仗質 真與似
Objects that derive from raw substance
Can be divided into two categories:
Truly grounded and semi-grounded.
Both of them rely on their raw substance.
46. 真帶質 心緣心 中間相 兩頭森
Objects that are truly grounded,
Result from the mind engaging the mind,
In-between appearances that are germinated
Are as myriad as forest trees.
47. 似帶質 心緣色 相從見 一頭得
Objects that are semi-grounded,
Result from the mind engaging the form.
They are appearances germinated by perception
And are solely perception-based.
48. 性境生 從實種 既實體 亦實用
Objects arising from the nature
Result from true seeds.
Since they are real and substantial.
They are of real use and applications.
49. 前五識 初刹那 緣性境 俱不差
The first five consciousnesses
At the first split second
Engage nature-based objects
Without the slightest errors.