10.王相應 有心所 五十一 種更夥 (種類伙)
In accordance with these mind kings,
Are the dharmas associated with the mind;
Totaling fifty-one in all,
Each abundant in their diverse kinds.
註:八識心王與五十一心所相應表; 五位百法簡表
11. 初遍行 有五支 觸作意 受想思
The first category is called Universally Interactive
There are five of them:
Contact, attention / awareness,
Feeling / sensation, cognition, and ideation.
12.次別境 亦五類 欲勝解 念定慧
The next category is Particular States
There are also five of them:
Aspiration, resolution,
Recollection, concentration, and discernment.
13.善心所 共十一 信為首 繼慚愧
For the wholesome mental factors
There are eleven of them:
First and foremost is faith
Followed by shame and remorse.
14.無貪等 三根聚 勤輕安 不放逸
Non-greed, the rest of
The three roots
Diligence, light ease
15.行蘊捨 非捨受 及不害 無瞋有
Renunciation of formation skandha,
Not like that of neither-pleasure-nor-pain,
Non-harming, non-anger will thus
Become the cause of wholesome gain.
16. 根本惑 六可辨 貪瞋癡 慢疑見
As for fundamental delusions
There are six, which can be discerned:
Greed, anger, delusion,
Arrogance, doubt, and wrong views.
17. 隨煩惱 有二十 小中大 堪分別
As for subsidiary afflictions,
There are twenty of them:
Varied in magnitude from minor to moderate to severe,
They should be carefully distinguished.
18. 忿恨覆 惱嫉慳 誑諂害 與憍並
Wrath, hatred, concealment,
Rage, jealousy, stinginess,
Deceit, flattery, and harming,
As well as conceit.
19. 此自類 各別起 小隨十 麤猛爾
These ten are of their own kind,
Arising respectively on their own;
They are of the Ten Minor Subsidiary Afflictions,
Because they are fierce and coarse.
20. 無慚愧 自他辨 中隨寬 遍不善
Lack of shame and lack of remorse
With regard to self or to others are to be discerned;
The Medium Subsidiary Afflictions encompasses more,
Pervading all the unwholesome mental factors.
21.始掉舉 昏不信 怠放逸 失念侵
Starting with restlessness,
Torpor, lack of faith,
Laxness, indulgence, and
Mindfulness is intruded upon
22.及散亂 不正知 染心遍 八大隨
Scatteredness, distraction, and
Improper knowledge,
These defiling thoughts are all pervasive,
And they are called the Eight Major Subsidiary Afflictions.
23.四不定 曰悔眠 共尋伺 善染兼
There are four indeterminate mental factors:
Regret, drowsiness,
Mental impulse (vitarka), and subsequent application (vicāra),
Encompassing both good and evil.
註:四不定 the four unfixed
1. 睡眠 sleep (middha);適度的睡眠是善法;嗜睡則妨礙修行。
2. 惡作(後悔) regret (kaukritya);先前造惡,心生後悔;或先前布施錢財,心生後悔。
3. 尋 investigation (vitarka); 逛街尋求所須物品,找到了。
4. 伺 examination (vichara).幾經伺察,顏色,大小等等確實是我要的。