Virtuous Ones Remain in the World

Selected Excerpts by Venerable Hsuan Hua

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"Do not do any evil but do everything that is good. Do not avoid doing anything that benefits people. Bring happiness to people and not to yourself. "When the great Way is in force, everyone is public-oriented. Therefore people do not only treat their loved ones as their loved ones and do not treat only their sons as their sons." The way to govern a nation is to do as the "Great Commonwealth of Peace and Prosperity" describes.

"It would be best to want nothing -- that is the way to serve people really. Do not run for office by spending money. I am looking for a best friend now, someone who will govern the country for free. A politician with integrity will be incorruptible and cherish his people the way he does his children. Only a country like this can thrive and become strong. Anyone who is at all selfish is not qualified to govern the country. I say this whether you believe me or not. I will say this though some people have heard this before and I will say this though no one has heard of it before. I do not care whether you're happy about it.

"Virtuous ones abide under heaven; those lacking virtue are lost. Leaders of ancient China, whether they were emperors or whatever, were tolerant and forgiving. An average person's frame of mind cannot compare to their's. What was Zhenguan's Ruling during the Tang Dynasty? Emperor Tai knew how to employ his enemies such as Wei Zheng, and followed their advice without a bit of doubt. This is why his governance was called Zhenguan's Rule.

""When the nation is about to prosper, there will be auspicious omens; when the nation is about to become extinct, there will be evil omens. Oracles appear by the use of sticks and on turtles; they are used in the four bodies. When fortune or misfortune is about to occur, prophesies for what is good and what is not good will be foretold." Emperor Tang of Shang Dynasty confessed to the gods, "This worthless man, I, Lyu," Tang Lyu, "dare to use a black ox to notify the great lord. If I as the emperor make any mistakes, please do not blame my people. If my people make any mistakes, please lay the blame on me." He requested that his citizens not be punished for crimes that he has personally committed; but if his citizens have committed any crime, it is because he hasn't taught them well and let him take on all the punishment. Every one of the ancient sages and wise rulers were like this. They were courageous enough to admit their mistakes and change. They accepted advice that poured in. This is really how a role model and a leader for the country should be.

"Those who are above must confide in their subordinates and love their subordinates as if they were themselves. They must teach people to live peacefully and work happily. It is no blessing when citizens are fighting and robbing one another. During the time of Zhou En Lai, people did not close their doors at night and lost items were left on the roadside and no one [except for the rightful owner] would pick it up. Taiwan is a small place, if we cannot even govern it well, everyone will go crazy. People earn money any way they can, which is an inauspicious sign. Taiwan now is like the time of Southern Song Dynasty at Ling An. It moved to a small place to hide out, but there everyone fought over fame and fortune so that someone like Wumu Yue ended up being killed. "The fate of a nation will thrive if it has good people." There is something wrong when loyal ministers and righteous soldiers are killed. To govern a country, one must think back in history and see which were times of peace and which dynasties had [rulers] who treated his citizens as if they were himself. Those would be times when that country flourished. Being manipulative with one another means one has ill intentions. "Place bean curd in a billabong near a river and juice goes out while waters come in." For instance, the way the Communists manipulated to win China exposed their ill intentions, which means that they will experience internal chaos. "Only because one humiliates oneself that others humiliate that individual." People will humiliate us if we feel inadequate. "Not contending, not being greedy, not seeking, not being selfish, not being selfish, and not lying" are the best practices, but fools do not dare to use them.
"We must be selfless and consider the greater good. Do not be interested in bribes and do not accept them. Be intelligent and upright as you serve people.
"If we want a better world, the government of each country must care about their people and protect them. Be rational in dealing with every issue. Do not use any cruel or oppressive means. Be very rational and communicate and understand each other. Do not act so that no one gets along. Remember that no citizens, no government is needed.
"Loving our country does not mean that we want to expand our territory and conquer the world. This is no patriot but a national criminal! If every country wants to expand, everyone would be trying to swallow and occupy other countries. Like the Japanese who attacked China, for example, ended up being bombed with atom bombs and surrendered unconditionally. This was a major mistake. None of us seem to realize this had been a mistake and continue to try to resolve problems using authority and violent means. This is a grave error indeed.

If every one of us really care about our country, really care about our family, really care about our national citizens' lives and assets, we must pay attention to education. Educate kids well so that they understand how to be people, how to take care of their bodies, how to take care of their country, their family, even the entire human race, then that is one way to really govern a country. People will not comply with manipulation and oppression. During this time and age, everyone must wake up from this kind of drowsy way of thinking soon. Do not use deception and policies to fool and rule people as if they were idiots. That would be a major error.

As it is said, "People will not bow to power in their heart of hearts because force is inadequate." Oppress others and they will not really obey you. You must treat people with humaneness and justness. "People will be truly happy and comply in all earnestness" in the face of virtue. If you really are good to people, they will not revolt against you. If you only talk about being good to people, but do not do what you say, people will never admire you. Elites of a country must be superb individuals: "the virtue of superb individuals is like the wind, the virtue of scoundrels is like grass. Grass will bend when wind wafts by." If you really are good to people, no one will be against you. If you mistreat people and yet pretend to be good, you will never contain them, eventually someone will rebel.

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