In the Northeast is a place called Clear Cold Mountain

In the northeast is a place called Clear Cold Mountain. From of old, many Bodhisattvas have lived there. Currently, the Bodhisattva Manjushri and his retinue of ten thousand Bodhisattvas abide there and speak the Dharma.
-- Avatamsaka Sutra, Chapter on Bodhisattvas’ Dwelling Places






Clear Cold Mountain refers to Five Peaks Mountain, located in Shanxi province, China. During the Tang dynasty (618-905 AD), Great Master Cheng Guan (also knows as National Master Qing Liang) described Five Peaks Mountain this way:

Ages of layered solid ice,
Driving snow in all seasons,
Never a hot summer,
Earns it the name Clear and Cold.

Autumn and winter are the only seasons at this place.

When Great Master Cheng Guan, who was on the last stage of a walking pilgrimage, arrived at Five Peaks Mountain, it was apparent from that Buddhists, with the exception of elder greatly virtuous ones whom he(they) called on to pay respects to and to inquire about the Dharma, were inspired by Efficacious Peaks are Sages’ Grounds, which contained accounts of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Five Peaks Mountain thus became known in China and abroad as an internationally renowned Sagely Mountain. Besides it being recorded in the Avatamsaka Sutra as the Way-place of Manjushri Bodhisattva, Five Peaks Mountain had its own efficacy, refinement, and elegance. In short, it was extraordinary. And since after the Buddha’s nirvana, Manjushri Bodhisattva was in the special position of leading beings to study the Dharma, his presence at Five Peaks Mountain, this helped Five Peaks Mountain attain early renown among the Four Famous Mountains. At Five Peaks Mountain all the schools flourished. From early on monastics from the Avatamsaka school, the Tien Tai school, the Vinaya school, and later the Chan school, the Pure Land school, and the Secret school and well as all the other schools and sects went on pilgrimages to Five Peaks Mountain. Thus the vast scope the various Buddhist schools’ teachings that were embraced at Five Peaks Mountain became its most unique feature.