July 16, 2024

GBM’s 2012 Chinese New Year Events

GBM will have festivities starting from the lunar new year eve until the 7th day of the lunar month. There will be activities and bowing sessions to pray for blessings. We ask the Triple Jewel of the ten directions, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, dharma protectors and deities and virtuous sages to bless us with peace, blessings and wisdom and for our bodhi roots to grow. May the merit accrued from these activities bring peace to world, favourable weather, a prosperous society, calamities to vanish and more blessings. May all leave suffering and gain happiness and attain the sages ground.

During the festivities, plaques may be written to pray for blessings or for crossing over the deceased. Lamps can also be lit to pray for blessings. Registration must be done in person.

We welcome all to join us, in praying for the world, our country, the society and our families.

1/22 (Sunday) Lunar New Year’s eve
(1) Great Compassion Mantra Recitation – 8:30am ~
(2) Sutra Copying – 1:00pm ~ 4:00pm
(3) Lamp Lighting Ceremony – 8:00pm

1/23-29 (Monday ~ Sunday) The 1st to 7th Day of the Lunar Calendar
(4) Compose and sign wishes for the New Year
(5) Three Thousand Buddhas Repentance – 8:30am ~ 4:00pm

The Liberation of Life ceremony will resume on 1/29 (Sunday)

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