Translation in progress: Yogācāra (or Consciousness-Only) studies have long been known as Buddhist psychology. Our translation team, despite our limitations, has attempted to translate the Yogācāra Three-Character Classic into English. During the translation process, we have tried our best to maintain the rhyme, meaning, and accuracy of the original text. However, there is always room for improvement, and we welcome suggestions from all Buddhist practitioners to help us refine the annotations and English translation.
歡迎將翻譯建議發送至: Translation suggestions can be sent to: |
1: Mind King (Verse 1 – 9) / (一)心王(頌1~9)
2: Mind Factors (Verse 10 – 23) / (二)心所(頌10~23)
3. Divisions of Consciousness (Verse 24 – 29) / (三)識分(頌24~29)
4. Transformation of Consciousness (Verse 30 – 33) / (四)識變(頌30~33)
5. Four Types of Conditions (Verse 34 – 37) / (五)四緣(頌34~37)
6. The Three Means of Cognition (Verse 38 – 41) / (六)三量(頌38~41)
7. Three Types of Objects (Verse 42 – 49) / (七)三境(頌42~49)
8. Three Inherent Natures (Verse 50 – 52) / (八)三自性(頌50~52)
9. The Threefold Absence of Inherent Existence (Verses 53 – 57) / (九)三無性(頌53~57)
10. The Scriptures on Which It Depends/The Fundamental Scriptures of Yogacara (Verses 58 – 67) / (十)所依經論(頌58~67)
11. The Founding of Yogacara in India (Verses 68 – 71) / (十一)西竺創宗(頌68~71)
12. Propagation and Perpetuation of Dharma in China (Verses 72-81) / (十二)震旦傳承(頌72~81)
13. The Conclusion with the Exhortation for Cultivation (Verses 82-85) / (十三)結勸修學(頌82~85)