July 15, 2024

Earth Store Dharma Assembly

Earth Store Sutra – a text that gives us an understanding of the causes and effects we create

Why is the Bodhisattva called “Earth Store”? It is because the earth can produce all things and make them grow. “Store” means treasures, all of the treasures are inside the ground. There are endless, boundless treasures in the ground for people to uncover. The Bodhisattva is like the great earth itself in that he can nurture all living things and help them grow.

August 1 – September 2
Daily from 8:30am-3:00pm
There will be lectures during lunch and in the evening by various Dharma Masters.

Ullabama Celebration
September 3 8:00am – 10:00am

Recitation is in Mandarin, sutra texts contain English transliteration.

You’re all cordially invited to join us in these events.
